Brain Connections

When most people think of treating neurodevelopmental issues like Autism and ADHD, they think of treating symptoms. Behavioural issues, speech delays, lack of focus. These are all symptoms, not root causes.

Worse still, the treatments for them are often invasive or harsh. No one loves the idea of putting their child on a bunch of behaviour-altering drugs. And yet, that is often what ends up happening.

The Melillo Method is a set of treatment protocols devised by Dr. Robert Melillo. It flips all that standard stuff on its head and starts with a different question: what is the root cause of these neurodevelopment issues?

Melillo’s answer: different parts of the brain are not talking to each other properly.

Different parts of your brain (including the left and right hemispheres) are meant to have a lot of communication happening between them. If that communication is disrupted or under-developed, this can be a root cause of neurological symptoms that we typically associate with labels like “autism” and “ADHD”.

Why is this great news? Because it’s treatable.

The brain isn’t set in stone at birth. There can be changes in our brain from things that happen to us. And those things don’t have to happen by accident.

Just like you can make a muscle stronger by working it at the gym, you can improve the connectedness of the brain by working it out.

And just like working out at the gym, it’s simple and non-invasive. You could try and get a perfect body by taking a cocktail of steroids and diet pills. But that’s a recipe for side effects.

Why not just exercise the muscles? You could do that in the gym. But you could even do it with something you love, like a team sport or a dance class.

That’s where brain therapy comes in. That’s where Little Superheroes can partner with you to help nurture your child’s brain and give it the care it deserves. We help your child work out the different parts of brain and build those connections.

Book an appointment today and you can take your first step toward helping your child grow their way into a healthier brain.