Box of pills

Your toes dangle over the edge. You can feel the breeze all around you. You stare down at the ground so far below you.

With something that looks suspiciously like a tea towel wrapped around your ankles, you take one last breath and jump, trusting that bungee cord to keep you from hitting the bottom.

Believe it or not, some people do that for fun!

One of the most stressful things in life is taking risks. The element of risk is what makes adventure activities like bungee jumping exciting.

But when it comes to our kids, risk takes on a whole new meaning. It’s not risk to us alone anymore, it’s risk to our precious little ones. It hits a place in our gut that we didn’t even know was there.

When it comes to our kids’ health, the stress of taking those risks can be overwhelming. If you’ve ever tried your child on a new medication or had to take them in for surgery, I’m sure you know what I mean. It can be terrifying.

That’s exactly why brain therapy is so appealing. It’s a way to help your child along that is extremely gentle and non-invasive. No drugs, no slicing into their bodies, nothing painful.

It’s less like bungee jumping and more like going on the bouncy castle (you know, the inflatable house where you can bounce off the floor and the ceiling and all the walls). A bouncy castle is still tons of fun, but it doesn’t have that element of risk. In fact it’s kind of safer than just walking along a concrete footpath. There’s no skinned knees from tripping over in a bouncy castle.

Brain therapy gives you the chance to try something for your child that can be highly effective without having to take on the risk of more invasive treatment options. You don’t have to sweat and worry about what might happen. You can just relax and watch the progress unfold.

If you’re ready to take a break from worrying, a brain therapy session is just a click away via that appointment button at the top of the page.