The sense of touch is a curious thing.

We use it to communicate affection, like stroking our child’s hair. We use it to communicate respect, like a firm handshake. We even use it to soothe ourselves, like rubbing our temples when we are stressed.

The connection between physical touch and our minds runs deep. The connection between the thoughts in our mind and the wiring of our brain runs deeper still.

For years I’ve been using massage as a tool to help women through the process of birthing their babies. I’ve given massages to prepare for labour, to recover from labour, and even in a few cases during labour.

It’s not always possible to get the timing of a massage to line up with when the baby is ready to come, but when we can, it’s remarkable. I had a client who had a massage during labour and ended up birthing so smoothly and quickly that her bub arrived before the midwife or the photographer could get to her home (it was a home birth).

As any mother will tell you, birthing is a mental and spiritual experience, not just a physical one.

I’ve seen with my eyes and felt with my own hands the way that physical touch can bring a mother’s mind and body both into a place of peace and harmony, ready to welcome her baby to the world.

As a parent, I’m sure you’ve seen it too. You’ve seen the dramatic effect that something as simple as a cuddle can have on your child’s emotions. Nowhere feels as safe for them as being in your arms.

Brain therapy takes this reality and applies it to our child’s neurological development. Our brain is a well protected organ, defended by an amazing built-in helmet that is our skull. But through the art and science of physical touch we can still access the brain.

I love massage therapy because I’ve seen how wonderful the results have been in my clients as they welcomed their babies to the world. Brain therapy, for me, is a logical next step. Let’s take that same amazing connection between body and mind and use it to help our children develop their fullest potential.

When you’re ready to give it a try, just hit the button at the top of this page to book an appointment.