Setting a new standard for the care, support & treatment of Little Super Heroes

Supporting Children with Special Needs
Brain Healing Therapy
We use the power of touch to build and support pathways within your child's brain.
Supporting your Journey
We work with you so you can better learn how to support your little superhero's growth.
Neurodevelopment Therapist
Hi, I’m Jess.
I started Little Superheroes because I know from personal experience what it’s like loving and nurturing a child with special needs.
It’s a precious gift.
It’s also an incredible challenge.
When your child has neurological development issues it’s easy to feel hopeless. But when you see your child making new strides, breaking new ground and gaining new abilities, there is so much joy.
I’ve seen the amazing things that can happen with brain therapy. Combining the latest technical research with a holistic touch, our brain therapy system will give your child the best possible leg up to reach their little victories and big milestones.
I can’t wait to join you on your journey!

Have Questions? Get in Touch!

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